Tuesday, February 22, 2011

coming out of hibernation

well today we got out of the house and met a snake fresh out of hibernation!

 i had to take asher to the doctor. he has fluid build up in his ears & throat. the doctor gave me a prescription for an antibiotic IF asher get's worse. i can hope he wont but i'm not really holding out much hope on that one. he also had to start taking zyrtec.

but when we were rushing out the door to go to the doctor the cat came running into the house with a snake in it's mouth. the kids all freaked. i thought the snake was dead as it was bleeding out of it's middle. well i decided to be "cool" & scooped up the snake into a mason jar. i thought we would take it & show clay since we were meeting him at the doctor's office - i am still keeping levi away from everyone so he sat in the van with rachel, elizabeth & esther.
anyway, abigail asked to hold the jar on the way to the doctors that was holding the snake and she screamed as she was holding it because snake stuck out it's tongue at her.
i said "no it didnt. let me see" and she gave me the jar. as i'm driving down the road i am looking to see if this snake will stick his tongue out at me....well he did!!!! then asher asked to see it & hold it. so we passed it back to him. the snake decided to try to climb up the side of the jar (it had a tight lid on it) & asher freaked....he started crying & threw the jar down on the van floor. then we all screamed because who knew if it broke open! thankfully it didnt & elizabeth picked the snake up in the jar.
we usually kill snakes. our motto is "the only good snake is a dead snake." when clay got the jar he was going to kill it but i told him we had all agreed, it was kind of cute & we wanted him to just set it free. he did.

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