Friday, April 15, 2011

stuff i have been doing

well i decided this year i was going to grow heirloom tomatoes & cucumbers, as well as basil & chives..from seeds. it is extremely difficult to grow tomatoes from seeds. i have always been in awe of anyone who could do that (props to Sandy Stewart if she sees this). well this year I DID IT!!!! i am so super excited!! i cant wait to see how these turn out. it's 3 types of heirloom tomatoes & 1 type of heirloom pickling cucumber. the basil & chives are organic also.

these above are the tomatoes & cucumbers & these below are the chives & basil. yippee!!! this is not by a long shot all that we plant, but these were special this year. we are going to start planting some things tomorrow after we get the garden plotted out. & i will take pictures of my trees. i'm so excited about those too. my pecan trees now have branches!!!

we also got some new chickens. we have 6 - 4 week old White Leghorns. they are out in the midsized brooder. but these little babies in the inside small brooder are Production Blacks (all pullets) & white Sultans (straight run). i had a total of 28 of these little guys (8 of the blacks & 20 of the white) but have lost 11 (2 blacks/9 white) in 2 days. it sucks. the little white ones are a specialty breed & are as strong as others & they have gotten trampled...literally trampled by their brooder mates. such is "farmette" life i guess.

and this is my new addiction (besides the chickens & tomatoes)...well 1 of many anyway.

have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

No, Wendy, No. Bad, Wendy, Bad! Get rid of the bad green bottle!